
Twofold Interview

In my opinion Twofold are easily one of the best hardcore bands in the UK, they just go from strength to strength. I've finally got around to getting an interview together...this is it, just below this bit, down there \/ \/ \/.

Firstly something I've wanted to know for a while...When choosing a new name (changing from Figure Four) was there any poignant reason for choosing 'Twofold' or did you just think it was cool?
To be totally honest, there is no secret meaning behind the name...it was pretty much all we could come up with at the time of needing a new name. Simple as that really.

You seem to have got angrier (at least in your music) over time, rather than mellowing out like a lot of bands. Why do you think this is?
A lot of people have been really quick to judge us after we switched from Bombed Out to Gravity last year without asking us what happened and our point of view on the situation. Seeing and hearing friends jumping straight in and writing us off is a sad thing, and worth writing about I think. Also, just growing up and seeing the injustices of everyday life, stuff that doesnt make the evening news or the newspaper headlines, but just the far reaching facism, idiocy and hatred in society is something we think about a lot too. 

What was the reason for the shift around of vocal duties?
Danny stopped singing when he started to lose his voice, which was around the same time that Lindsay joined, and it seemed obvious to share the vocals around so that we didnt all fuck our voices up too. Also, the idea of having a lead singer as such is kinda anti our idea of the band being all of ours, not led or owned by any one personality or figurehead as such.

You seem to have some interesting inspiration in your lyrics. What provides this? Do you just sit down and think we need some lyrics or do you wait for an idea to come to you and rush off and write them eureka! style? Do you all help to write lyrics?
We all help to write lyrics. Usually we sit down and force them out one way or another. Someone will come up with an idea which fits the focus of the song, and a couple of lines or vocal hooks and the like, and the rest of us provide ideas and ideas which fit. Sometimes it doesnt work too well but if the issue is serious and pressing enough, it usually isnt a problem.
Is there any central philosophy/ driving force which you write around, a key point perhaps, that you want to drive home?
I guess one point of view we are trying to get across is to think for yourself, regardless of any popular ideology, be it a mainstream media manipulated one, or ones set by the elitist punk rock scene. People are often quick to switch from one view point for another without stopping to think for themselves. Thats something we often talk about. Also, similarly, doing your best and pushing boundaries in the face of peoples opinions or attempts to guide your course in to the right direction.

I'm sure you've been asked this before, but what's with all the splits? Didn't you vow never to do any more after The G.a.s. Drummers split? Why not an EP or even album?
Dunno, just turned out like that really... People asked us and we didnt wanna say no, as they have all been good friends of ours and its been a pleasure to share 3 plastic discs with them all. We plan to do something on our own soon tho!

Speaking of which, hows the split with Fig 4.0 coming along? Hasn't there been a few problems with it? And whilst we're on it, have you ever raised the whole name stealing subject with them?

Well, the split is still not out. The brief story! The longer story includes recording sessions, cancelled recording sessions, computers breaking, over a year of waiting and arseing about on both of our parts, and record sleeves being screen printed and ending up underneath a bed. They didnt consciously steal our name, but they are still very naughty boys in our book!
You're a pretty hard-working band, do you find it hard to tour as well as keep up with university and a job etc?
Definitely. Balancing work and uni has been the biggest problem in the band. Cancelling shows isnt good, but we managed to play 70 odd shows last year while Danny finished up his uni course, I finished my A-Levels, and John worked any hours he could do. Lindsay doesnt do much apart from worrying about how hard it is for us to practice once a week and play gigs and everything we want to do. But, Danny has finished uni now, so we hope to be able to put even more of our spare time and effort in to the band in the future.

Who has been your favourite band to tour with? What was the tour with Capdown like?
All the bands weve toured with have been super cool and its always been a blast... Caeser Soze and the GAS drummers were fun in a funny foreign way, teaching us rude words and customs from their respective cultures. Clingfilm/Lucky Thirteen are our best buddies so touring with them is a big ol party. But, the tour with Capdown and Vanilla Pod was amazing, just for the total full on touring experience of it all! Loads of nice people, lots of booze and lots of fun times. 

Have you ever considered making a super band with brother band Lucky 13 and calling it 'Two lucky'?
There have been rumours of a Rap Gang super crew with members of both bands and Dr D J Thirde, illustrious Kingston scenester and host of www.thirde.com... Also a super ska band involving a brass section of people who cant even play brass at all has been discussed! Well see but, all of our spare time is devoted to Twofold so I cant see it happening in the forseeable future.
What is coming up for you guys in the foreseeable future? Thats if the world doesn't come to an end and we're all turned into flesh eating zombies...eh hem.
We do not, of course, fear fictitious monstrous creatures like Zombies. But, we do plan a lot more Touring, recording and the like. Just doing more of what we do now, and practicing a whole lot more too.
And finally what X-men powers would you have?
X-men are men who have undergone a gender assignment proceedure or are men who have died. either way, they are x men(ex men). I kill me.thanks.
Well, erm, on that note thanks very much to Twofold and I wish you all good luck with the future...that's if we're not all turned into post-apocalyptic flesh-eating zombies...As with every interview thanks to Tom and anyone else who was hanging around at the time for help with the questions.