- "No one tests the depth of the river with both feet",
only fools rush in etc etc
- As is befitting this seasonal time of year "anticipate the good so that
you may enjoy it".
- Another one that can be applied to Iraq! "The fool looks for dung where
the cow never browsed". I'll ave you Blair!!!
- As you may have noticed it's been some time since my last thought (old age is gettin
to me) but patience for "restless feet may walk into a snake pit".
- I feel that in my new position as anarchist leader of the Blacklisted readers I
must motivate them in their protest. So "endurance pierces marble" is our new slogan. (25/10/03)
- "Blessed are those who can please themselves." hehehehehe
- This weeks can be applied to the frankly ridiculous situation in Iraq. "The
humble pay for the mistakes of their betters." I've alf a mind to go sort them aht myself. Wot a piss up that
- I have dahn't ave time for chatter. "A big head is a big load."
This has been invaluable to me in my many years in show business.
- Ok so recently I've been thinking about all this scare mongering that we are being
bombarded with so I think that "The ruin of a nation begins in the homes of its people" is appropriate
for this week. Alright.
- Alright then this week I've been thinking about independence and stuff like that
so i feel that my next proverb shall be: "It is better to travel alone than with a bad companion." This
is especially advisable when travelling in a Mini- there ain't much room for personal space in there...
- I'm waxing, I'm waxing...OK my first philosophical thought shall be:"The wise man stampeth not on the burning bag of shit." Think
about that...

SMALL PRINT: Dear Michael Caine, you have snazzy glasses and so therefore
should be able to read this and understand when I say this is all in the interests of comedy . I am fully aware that
it is not really funny (perhaps mildly amusing at best), that you do not sponser this site, nor do you contribute
writings, philosophical or otherwise, to it. I have simply put myself in your position and thought, 'what would I say?'.
It is 100% unofficial so please do not set packs of hungry lawyers on my arse as I am quite fond of it. Thankyou.
Matt - Order of the brown nose-First Class