All Elite Project- in-depth, objective reviews, articles, interviews and profiles- concentrates
most on ska
Collective zine- a large zine with loadsa people contributing, cool idea, it must be hell to run...
Dirty Dog- Mutley as a mascot and a noisy menu bar. Need i say more?
Diskant- this is a large, varied and very pretty site. Yellow.
ENZK- good political articles, other usual zine stuff plus videos and radio
Europunk- a cool webzine covering Europe... dipshit- great reviews
Flex your head- another one of those big webzines I shamelessy flaunt links around
Paper Cuts- usual stuff, nice looking site and a humungantic links section
Punk News- does exactly what it says on the tin for the UK
Punktastic- "It's punk, it's fantastic- figure it out"
Scheef Edge- Another more-attractive-than-mine webzine, very new give them a shot
With Harmful Intent- rocking and varied zine from Ireland- check out the 'Why Tower are bastards' feature

Tabs, Instrument Shops etc.
Mxtabs- fairly good collection of punk tabs- tempermental
Punk-Hardcore- very good collection of punk tabs- drum and bass tabs too
Tabcrawler- for all those tabs your Dad asks you to looks up
Gigs, Promoters and Venues
www.meanfiddler.com Yes ok, the venues are big and impersonal but they do occasionally get some
good bands on
Travoltas- Uplifting punk from the world focus of surfing- Holland!
Twofold- One of the best hardcore bands around

Anti-star- a growing distro with some good stuff that can be hard to find, good prices
Disques- quite a lot of second hand items ranging across all punk styles
Inflammable Material- another good distro, prices are ok and big selection but it really needs a search engine
Interpunk- massive selection of punk goodies- mainly American stuff
Punk Unknown- cool little site selling underground punk/ska/emo/hardcore etc.
Smart punk- an American distro with large selection and low prices
Downhillbattle.org- anti-RIAA (those ignorant bastards trying to stop us downloading music) site... dinosaurs will die
Maddox- the best page in the universe- don't like it? Send him hatemail
McSpotlight- site dedicated to destroying McDonald's and everything it represents
RIAAradar- same sorta thing as Downhill battle (see above)
Serebella- some search site that asked me to link to them and I'm a nice guy so...
Tring Trials- watch as my local bike trials buddies rubbish Newton's oppressive laws of gravity!!!!
Schnews- reports on corporations and other assorted arseholes
ShortUrl- decent service which allows you to get a much better address for free
Zine Book- loads and loads of stuff about writing zines/e-zines, tips, how to's etc- wish I'd known about this when I started